For every house is built by someone,

but the builder of all things is God.

Hebrews 3:4

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Coming Soon!


I have been very busy painting!
Can you guess what this is?

I'll have the finished pictures soon.

~ Christa ~ 


mrshester said...

A Wabbit! Something spring related? :)

Nadine said...

Looks like a little bunny to me!


Antoinette Petersen said...

Mmmmm.... looks like a rabbit to me! Is it something springy as spring is around the corner!

Blessings in Christ,

Miss Antoinette

PS. I just LOVE your paintings Mrs. Smith they are so sweet, we still have the angel you gave us and I even have the cute bee hive you taught me how to make at Cassaundra's' Birthday a few years back that I love! :)

Camille said...

OH Christa ~ I was thinking of you today! You have been one busy girl by the looks of things. I love the new look of your blog and the header picture is so pretty. How talented you are too...what a sweet looking bunny...apart from that I don't have a clue what it is! :)


Sarah said...

I'm with everyone else...I think it's a rabbit. I can't wait to see the finished product!

Mrs. E said...

A little bunny?! :)
SO cute!! *sigh*

Love~ Jen

Laura said...

A BUNNY!? whatever it is it will be so cute.♥

Speaking of what Antoinette said, I love all the crafts we used to do at Cassaundras parties too! I still have them hanging on my wall!

I'm looking forward to see the entire piece!

God bless,

corry said...

Is it a bunny?? You made me curious.
Have a lovely day! Groeten, Corry