Last week I posted a request for input on what my dear blog friends would like to read about.
I was so impressed with the types of questions or suggestions that were made. I have my work cut out and I will not take these subjects lightly. Therefore, it may take a while to post my responses to each request. Please pray for me as I set out to write, because writing is not an easy task for me. For I would rather sit down over a cup of tea, one on one with you all and just talk things out.
In the mean time, here are the subjects I will write about, Lord willing:
My personal testimony
My family testimony
Our dating/engagement story (regretfully I must call it dating)
A godly wife and submission
Why we home educate our children
Our teen children - How we encourage them in their walk with the Lord
and not be pressured by the outside world
Thank you for sharing your ideas with me.
Such a wealth of ideas there Christa ~ may God grant you the wisdom and enable you to put into words the things you would like to share over a cup of tea. He is faithful, as you seek Him for wisdom, He will give it!
Looking forward to hearing your heart my friend!
Dear Christa,
I so look forward to reading your upcoming posts on these subjects. Praying for God's guidance and wisdom to help you with your words!
I am very much looking forward to your upcoming posts on the listed topics. I'll join you in praying for God's wisdom and guidance as you respond. By the way, I was glad to get to meet you at the ncfic conference. I sure wish we would have had an opportunity to talk some. We really were blessed as I'm sure you all were also.
Amy in AL
I am so excited! Especially over the "cortship" one. Not a lot of people talk about that and I have yet to make a decision about the subject yet.
I just wanted to say I really love your blog :)
Hi Christa - I have really enjoyed your blog. However, I do want to let you know that I have a lot of trouble actually seeing the text of your entries in my reader, Bloglines. The text is very light yellow cream color and it doesn't show up at all. I'm not sure if others are having the same trouble in their readers....but just thought I'd let you know. I have to actually click on your entry and head to your page. Blessings, Nicole
Hi Nicole,
The reason for this is because I have a black background on my blog page so I have to change my font color to cream so it will show up. Thank you for letting me know.
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